Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My foray into blogging ROUND 2

Due to me being an idiot and well I'm just going to blame Internet malfunctions as well, I accidentally deleted my first two posts :(. I'm dying inside I know.

I started this blog against the protests of one of my friends whose sole purpose in life is to mentor me aka tells me how to function through my life endeavors. The only reason she gets to be my mentor (what a lame and mushy sounding word) guru (okay more awesome word) is because she shares the same name as Helen Keller's mentor and BFF, and let's face it, what was good enough for good ol' Helen is good enough for me. Now let's hope I become totally amazing and warrant a Wikipedia page (GOAL IN LIFE) since I picked Helen's BFF's name twin.

So due to my rebellious (I wish) nature, I created a blog. Thus doing so has made me become one of those people. This is how people felt when cell phones first came out. "What self important prick thinks they need to be in contact with everyone at EVERY hour of the day?!" Well, all of us apparently. Now it's "Who DOESN'T have a cellphone?! What are you a hermit?!" Yet hermits probably have cell phones too, but I don't know about their reception; hopefully they have Verizon(unless they are a hermit with an iPhone where I am jealous of the hermit but take satisfaction that they can't call anyone due to ATT being shitty). The homeless man at the Prudential T stop has like 3 cell phones, and I see him charging them there every day. Even my 10 year old cousin has a cell phone.

So before it gets to the point where the question becomes "Who doesn't have a blog?", I made one. I'm years late, but I'm not super late where little prepubescent beings invade blogspot and wordpresss. Since that spells the death of things. But I want to use this to segue into announcing I've never had a Myspace. Now that I think about it, I'm sure my cousin will pop up with a blog anytime now. She already has a Youtube channel where she makes her own music videos... I wish I was kidding.

We're in a society that loves being connected, hello the rise of Twitter and Facebook, and that stupid fail Microsoft phone the Kin. I'm someone with severe attention issues, so it naturally made sense for me to make a blog. Blame my parents for that issue. So I did have a blog when Livejournal ruled the blogging realm, which was during my formative angsty teenage years wheretheworldwasouttogetme.

I hope that this blog isn't just one of my phases though. I'm the type of person who gets obsessed with something, and I mean really obsessed, and then I lose interest. I think that's what they call ADD though, which I have been told I have by several people; but I'm pretty sure everyone in our generation has it. I do this with food, hobbies, people, sporting events, even colors.

When I was little I used to go to Costco with my dad. As everyone knows Costco's packages of food can feed villages for a year. I would pick out something, eat it for 2 weeks straight and then never want to touch it again. This happened with chicken teriyaki skewers and now I can't eat teriyaki anymore! Due to this tendency my dad canceled our Costco card and I was devastated, since Costco was my Disneyland (now replaced with IKEA!). But my Costco issue has been resolved since now I'm an executive member with my own card! I win dad!

And just like my first post, I've gone off 39482 tangents in one post. AWESOME. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm once again blaming my parents for this one. As with all my other life issues, like my abandonment ones.


myuncensoredlife said...

Welcome to the blog world :-) I love your hilarious ramblings!

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